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So I was just flipping through the tv channels, trying to find something besides "Law & Order" to watch, when I strangely got pulled into watching a man chop onions. It was the local community college channel, and the culinary arts department head was teaching a lesson on how to correctly cut onions, ginger, and garlic. I was actually in awe of how quickly he diced an onion, and the technique that he explained as he did it. I made something the other day where not only did I have to dice onions, but I had to sauté them and put them into a recipe with many other ingredients that had to be chopped and prepared. The prep time on the recipe card said 20 minutes. Yeah, it took my an hour and a half. So I am thinking as I am watching this guy cut his onions in pieces the same size in record time that I should just stop now. I don't even want to think about my sautéing deficiencies if I can't even cut correctly. Oh well... it gives me something to practice... and reminds me that there is a whole other set of people out there with skills that I will never be able to master...and I am definitely appreciative of them... and next time I will just stick with "Law & Order."

About me

  • I'm Stephanie
  • From Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
  • I want to make a difference in my world... I want to appreciate the beauty around me to the fullest... I want to experience life in every possible way... I want to love and appreciate each the kids at the Club everday...lots of wants...realities?
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