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So I have discovered that blogging may not be for me. For one thing, I can never seem to remember my username or password so that I can post when I actually have a thought I think may be worth writing. But tonight I figured it out, so...

I enjoy the show "Boston Legal." I like how the creators always seem to slide in political issues and their liberal views into each cleverly-written episode. One episode recently dealt with a girl who refused to pay her taxes, and sent her tax forms back with a sticky note attached that said "stick it." I personally love this idea and hate the fact that it happens to be illegal.

Okay, so she most likely just didn't have the money to pay her taxes, but she said the reason was because she was ashamed of America lately... the whole fighting in Iraq for reasons that are now not what was said originally... the torturing of prisoners... the unapologetic executive branch of the government... the fact that if you protest a war you are called unpatriotic...

So I have told my wonderful husband that if I have to pay any additional taxes this year, I am going to send back a sticky note that says "stick it"(okay...that, along with my check). But I seriously am going to send back a list of what I would like my tax money to go towards and what I would appreciate not a cent of my money going towards. You know... very much like when you donate to United Way. You can mark what programs or even what agencies for which you wish your money to go. I would be much more willing to donate my money to the current government that I am so skeptical of if I could just designate where I want the money to be used... for education and HeadStart and afterschool programs and highways and the beautiful wildflowers that line the highways and to stop the spread of AIDS in Africa and to find a cure for cancer and to give the poor in this country an equal opportunity and to promote peace throughout this world...

Yeah, if I knew that would be where each of my dollars would be used, then I'd be much more willing and happy to tithe my money to this government...

Hey Stephanie,
Great thoughts. Your passion is commendable.

love it.

I want to. I'll try to come soon.

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About me

  • I'm Stephanie
  • From Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
  • I want to make a difference in my world... I want to appreciate the beauty around me to the fullest... I want to experience life in every possible way... I want to love and appreciate each the kids at the Club everday...lots of wants...realities?
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